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Timi is our first one shot short. It is pure visual storytelling, with timing as a major factor.

The film you see is our take 3 of a total of 6 attempts which mostly was ruined by bypassing bikers or traffic :)

It wouldn´t have been possible without timing, teamwork and patience. Thank you!

The film was premiered at a local cinema in Copenhagen and was honorably mention in the 2015 OneShot Festival in UK.

Tìmi is one of the shortest, most beautiful and difficult film we have ever made.

Filter Film - Actress on the wire
Filter Film - From the set of the short film Timi


“The film was directed using three different t-shirts with different colors indicating different cues.”

“The pregnant actress, was actually pregnant and gave birth to a wonderful boy not long after the wrap.”

“The red cap was used to make viewers look at it, so they won´t see the shoes of the woman getting into the bus.”

Filter Film - Directing short film

“After premiering the film, somebody stole the idea and made it in to a stimerol commercial. We still want money!”

Filter Film - Independent filmmaking


FIlter Film - short film superpower
Filter Film - Yes we Cannes!
Filter Film - Filming ABC
Filter Film - Make films, don´ talk about it...
Filter Film - Shoot & cut
Filter Film - from the set of the short film Timi
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