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Tør du gå rundt huset på julaften? Jolevak handler om det minst kjente men kanskje mest skremmende norske julesagnet.

"Går du i sirkel rundt huset midnatt på julaften, kikker inn igjennom vinduet, så ser du hvem i slekten som dør først..."


Et søskenpar kjører hjemover for å feire jul med resten av familien. Bilen havarerer og de blir plukket opp av en lokal forbipasserende som låner de hytten sin for natten. Før han gir de hyttenøklene advarer han de om å gå ut i

natt på grunn av dette julesagnet. I løpet av natten hører de et voldsomt rabalder på utsiden av hytten. De bestemmer seg for å gå ut. Filmen baserer seg på gamle norske myter og sagn om en jul som ikke alltid er fredelig.


"Originally the band Wangel wanted to make the soundtrack, but had to pass on the project due to a gig at the Roskilde festival."

"The actor playing the bus driver, was given a bus driver uniform from a friend of his some years earlier."

"The kids on the bus are students at Valhøj school Cph. Morten was a primary school. leader for some of the kids back in 2008."

"One of the intro shots of the bus driving up to the camera, is filmed backwards, and was our final shot of the day."

Filter Film - Throwing waterbaloons on the set of the short film flammen
Filter Film - Independent filmmaking can't afford real coca cola.


The film premiered at a local cinema in Copenhagen where everybody who was a part of the production was invited to free unlimited popcorn. After the premiere we launched it as a promotional film againts bullying and it got over 21.000 views and hundreds of shares on FB in one week.

The film is currently being sent out to various film festivals in Norway, Denmark, France and USA. So far it has been nominated in the 2016 Minimalen short film festival, both nordic and norwegian competition. We are exited to see how far we can go with this beautiful short.


With over thirty people from Denmark, Norway and Sweden, we managed to create something really unique and special.

This wouldn't have been possible without the creative combination of family, friends, parents and teachers. Thank you all! :)

FIlter Film - Ebbe Engmark playing the role of the angry bus driver.
Filter Film - The photographer Rasmus Quistgaard focusing on the task.
Filter Film - Crew shot from the short film Flammen.
Directing Filter Film's short film Flammen in Copenhagen summer 2015
Filter Film - Director Arne Kristoffer Wang Holthe and actress Mine Skovfoged Gezgin.
Filter Film - from the set of the short film flammen.
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