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Hegn is a 60 sec dark comedy about white suburbia. It shows how we influence our children with latent everyday racism, and how we fail to communicate due to political correctness. The working question for this project is what happens when a child uses the N word. Who are to blame?

Hegn has been screened at local cinema in Copenhagen and was a selection for the 2016 super-short-film festival in Trondheim, Norway.

Filter Film - Directing the short film Hegn in Norwegian
Filter Film - The crew


When the next door neighbor, Kristian, walks away at the end, he is walking straight into a wall”

"The daughter is the younger sister of the girl playing in our short Flammen.”

The baby-carrige is something the director found on the way to the shooting location.”

The photographer is the one who is playing the ukulele”

Filter Film - preperation
Filter Film - making it happen


The shoot was done in one day at Valby in Copenhagen, and post-production took about three days.

Huge thanks to friends and family + the wonderful cast in this short and sweet film.

FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
FIlter Film - From the set of short film Hegn
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